Monday, March 5, 2012

My Crazy Life Part 2

 After the phone call I received the phone call that my Dad ran away instead of facing his consequences, I was pretty upset. They promised me they would do all they could to bring him justice. So I cooperated with the police through out the years he was gone and while he was in custody. My husband thought it would be a good idea to see a therapist, so that's what I did. For three years I saw a psychologist who helped me deal with it. I honestly don't think I could have made it through all this mentally without her.

My “father” was on the run for 5 years...the Marshals found him in Oklahoma, seriously 2 hours away. My paternal grandmother put her house up for his bond. $75,000!!! His bail was $750k! Now the local prosecutors kept pushing back the court date. I gave them details and they were even able to get evidence of several of the incidents. However, because of his attorneys doing their jobs and saying “prove it” the prosecutors office didn't feel they were able to bring the case to trial. Of course, the fact that I was not getting any kind of justice at all never crossed their mind.
So they put my case on the back burner for a year. They told me if in that year no new evidence was found, they would close the case forever. A year passed and they closed the case. It's pretty accurate to say I'm a bit bitter and upset over the fact that I got screwed by our justice system. To be honest, I didn't think I would win the case, but just to be able to have him held accountable for what he did, and for the world to KNOW what he did would have been enough for me. It is heart breaking to have to go through all that I did and not be able to have any kind of justice from it. All I got was a pat on the shoulder and a “So Sorry we didn't do what you came to us for.”

The one good thing I can say that came out of this is that I no longer feel victimized...pissed off as hell, yes, but no longer victimized. I am now in control of my life and what happens in it, not him.